All teachers and teaching assistants, parents and guardians will know how distracted kids can
get on the run up to Christmas.
When it comes down to homework, revising or getting work done in the classroom, Christmas and all of its associated aspects can cause havoc in creating major distractions.
Our range of Christmas themed stickers, badges, stampers, reward charts and certificates can be a great addition to your Christmas classroom, giving kids something to focus on and work towards.
Christmas corner
If you find that decorating your whole classroom creates distractions for your pupils, having one corner of the classroom that’s Christmas focused is a great way to decorate, whilst making sure your classroom is still a functional learning environment.
Make the most of your Christmas corner by including a space for reading Christmas themed books at break time or pinning one of our reward charts to the wall. You can use our Christmas themed reward chart with the whole class, rewarding one sticker a week and using a prize as an incentive at the end, anything from a Christmas party to a class trip to the cinema.
The same goes for at home, leave a space free of decorations, somewhere tidy and uncluttered for kids to complete homework or get that pesky revision done.
There are plenty of ideas on our “Christmas in the Classroom” board on Pinterest if you get stuck for ways to decorate. A great one for a Christmas Corner would be this igloo made out of plastic milk bottles.
Add a Christmas twist to your marking
We know marking pupils work can be a long and sometimes tedious process, that’s why we created a range of fun and festive marking products.
We’ve got generic gold star and seasons greetings stamps as well as a range of personalised marking stamps. These are great when used in workbooks or handouts to add a festive surprise when handing work back to pupils.
Our Christmas themed stickers can be used as special rewards, given out when pupils have worked especially hard or have built up points to earn one. Our Mini Christmas Stickers are great all rounders for use in the classroom whereas our Personalised Christmas Labels are more specific and can be given to kids from their mum or dad.
Those are our suggestions on how you could use our rewards but we know how creative our readers can be! We’d love to hear what you plan on doing to keep kids focused on work during the run up to Christmas so let us know in the comments below.