Teaching comes in at second in our careers survey

TES kindly published our most recent findings from the careers survey we conducted on MyStickers.


Careers Multi Reward Stickers

As always, a fantastic number of secondary school pupils took part to earn extra MyStickers points, we had 1,310 responses. We wanted to find out what the chosen career pathways for secondary school pupils using our MyStickers site are.

89% of pupils surveyed say they have a clear idea of the career they would like to pursue when they leave education.

Here are the results. Do you know what your kids want to do when they grow up? Let us know in the comments below.

  • 16.1% of pupils say they want to go into medicine
  • Teaching came in at second place with 15.7% of pupils saying they’d like to teach when the grow up
  • 11.8% say they want to be athletes- this category ranges from footballers to Olympians
  • 9% of pupils want to be musicians
  • 6.1 say they want to be a zoo keeper
  • 1.6% say they want to be a train driver
  • Some pupils know the exact career path they wanted with one stating a paediatric neuroscientist, another a medical technologist and one even wanted to become a professional at origami.

13.8% of pupils say earning a large amount of money is their primary career goal and a larger 17.3% said they wanted a job in which they could help other people.

The most comforting is the 45.1% of pupils who said they wanted a job that interests them.

You can read the full length article on the TES website here.

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