Walk to School week is taking place this year from the 20th – 24th May.
Schools across the country will be encouraging pupils and parents to ditch the car, and walk to school.
We have created a range of reward stickers and certificates to help encourage pupils to get involved, rewarding them for their effort, and encouraging them to think differently about how they get to school.
There is everything from ‘I walked to school’ stickers, ‘Walking Bus’ stickers, some promoting the green cross code and road safety, along with ‘Walker of the week’.
Some schools give pupils a sticker every day that they walk to school, with prizes, and certificates for those who collect all five. Other schools have encouraged their pupils to create their own Walk to school designs, and used our online tool to create and print these.
All our stickers and certificates can be personalised to read your school’s name or chosen text free of charge, or you can use our online tool to design your own unique ‘walk to school’ badges and stickers.
If you can’t find what you are looking for, get in touch, we would be happy to help.