Using Reward Charts and Personalised Stickers at home…


Using a reward chart makes sure that you and your child stop and recognise an achievement or good behaviour and gives them something to aim for if said behaviour is kept up.   A reward chart can very quickly become your best friend as they are a fantastic way to encourage positive behaviours.

Stickers can be achieved for all sorts of reasons; through daily chores, going to bed on time, being quiet, reading – remember to explain why they are receiving a sticker so that they start to repeat the good behaviour.

Having a prize to award once the chart is complete is a great incentive, some great ideas are a pizza and dvd night, trip to the cinema or soft play centre, a novelty gift from a lucky dip bag of prizes.

At School Stickers we have a wonderful selection of reward charts with matching personalised stickers which are great for use at home and in the classroom.  We have some really lovely themed charts including Fairies, Space, Rainbow, Pirates and Princess and the matching stickers can be personalised with your child’s name.  You can view our range of charts here.

Two of our customers very kindly reviewed our reward charts on their blogs.  You can read their thoughts here:



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