From rewarding good reading effort to handing out detentions. These are the ten types of sticker every teacher should have in their arsenal.
1. The “Well done for being on time” sticker.
You’ll find these in our Attendance section. Attendance stickers are for those students that are guaranteed to turn up 5 minutes late every single day. Even for school trips and sports days! Why not start a reward system for those children that tend to be late and reward them with a small prize when they collect ten stickers in a row?
2. The sticker for every piece of good work.
The classic, its the star sticker! We’ve got lots of variations of this gem on our site but we think the staple star should be the simple, classic, no frills, good for everything version. These can be used on homework sheets, in work books, on reward charts and they’re super sticky so wont peel off school jumpers and blazers!
3. The sticker to get students talking! 
Rewarding students gives them a sense of achievement and pride and these stickers allow the opportunity for the reward to travel further than the classroom. Ask Me Why Stickers encourage adults to ask students what they got their sticker for, allowing students to discuss their hard work and good behaviour. These are great for younger students who can be slow to boast about achievement.
4. The sticker to get your feelings across.
A piece of work not up to scratch or missing parts? A piece of homework so amazing you want to give it love heart eyes? Our range of expression stickers have got you covered. From smiley faces to tears, there is a sticker to express all emotions, these are also great for class activities and peer assessment. These also cut down on the time you spend marking by allowing you to express your views about a piece of work without even having to write anything down.
5. The sticker to give you class cool points. 
Using a symbol that most children will instantly recognise as a positive and is something they’re familiar with outside of school online will make you look super cool. Some teachers have used these stickers on notice boards to create social media themed “work we like” boards. Bringing the digital world into the classroom is a great idea.
6. The stickers to give out warnings and enforce rules.
These stickers don’t mess around. They let students know they’ve been given a detention and when it is, if you need to see them to discuss something or if their homework just isn’t up to the standards expected of them. Bright red, easy to write on and a great size for sticking next to pieces of work in books, these stickers mean serious business and students will soon learn they’re the stickers to avoid getting.
7. The sticker to ensure everyone knows what the homework task was…
I’m sure you’re all familiar with the “sorry I didn’t know we had homework” line. These stickers come in huge sheets with 1,120 stickers in a pack. To limit the amount you use you could write them yourself and stick them in students books who struggle with writing homework tasks down. This fun reminder might be enough to encourage students to get tasks done on time.
8. The handy tip stickers
These stickers allow you to let students know what level they’re working at and what level they should be working towards. They also allow you to provide quick but useful feedback on work in work books, letting you provide suggestions for next time and praising the best bits. They’re a special addition to the feedback you give and will cause a stir in class the first time you use them. Useful for all ages!
9. The behaviour awards 
Save these special gold stickers for supreme examples of best behaviour. Behaviour rewards are our speciality so you’ll find our huge range on the site here. You know how to get your students to behave the way you’d like, we just provide the rewards to help you along the way. From our bronze, silver and gold stickers to our Noah’s Ark well done stickers, there’s a sticker design for everyone.
10. The reminder stickers!
Last but certainly not least are our reminder stickers. Three different, easy to write on designs to write notes on to students and parents to remind them not to forget things such as PE kits or cooking ingredients. They’re simple but effective and help to avoid forgotten items on important days.