6 ways to freshen up your classroom

Welcome to School Stickers, if your classroom is feeling a bit dull or mundane you’re in the right place. Here’s a few simple and quick ideas to freshen up your classroom without breaking the bank.

ThinkstockPhotos-1666231721. Change your seating arrangements. This is potentially a big change for your class and won’t cost you a penny. If you have the ability to move your classroom around and have the space to create a different plan then you’ll find this really mixes things up. If you can’t move your pupils desks due to school restrictions or unavailable space why not move your desk? It’s a quick way to update your class.

2. Find something new. New student resources are a great way to not only freshen up your classroom but to give your students something new to focus on. You don’t need to spend a fortune on new resources, you’ll often find lots of deals on school supply websites

3. Do something new every month. Make this month joke month where you tell a joke at the beginning of your friday lesson and encourage pupils to retell it to another person that day. Next month tell a riddle every monday and see who manages to figure it out by friday. Other ideas include horoscopes & anagrams, just remember to keep it fun and use it as a way to create a bit of excitement on a dull day.

4. Switch up your lighting. It’s been proven that more sunlight being let into a classroom improves childrens problem solving skills especially in maths. On the other hand dimming the lighting is great for story telling time to create a bit of atmosphere.

5. Update your rewards! It’s easy to keep the same stickers and certificates to hand but once your pupils have received the same designs a few times it can become a little less exciting for them. Visit our site to view all of our newest designs including seasonal rewards.

6. Keep on top of your class bulletin boards. Do you have out of date messages hanging around or displays that were relevant a few seasons ago? Read: Making the most of your classroom decor and Lets Talk: Classroom Decoration!

